Thursday, September 4, 2008

Do what you love

Every weekend I get the opportunity to work with some amazing couples that I probably would have never met if I wasn't living my dream and doing what I love. I feel like there are so many people in the world that either are too afraid to venture out and follow their dreams or feel too secure with the job they have now. You spend countless hours stuck in a job that you don't like. Taking away time from your family, your friends and your life. It is all passing you by and for what? Is what you are doing worth giving up your life for?

Everyone has a dream. To be a chef, the next American Idol or a superhero. My challenge is for you to find a way to start incorporating it into your everyday life. Start small but dream big. Just be the person you were meant to be...

One of my favorite photographers, Jasmine Star, said it best:

"I would rather fail at something I LOVE
than succeed at something I HATE"
-Jasmine Star