Friday, April 18, 2008

Turn off the TV

Did anyone get to see Oprah on Thursday? Well they were talking about how much stuff we waste day after day without even thinking about it. Your daily coffee to-go, paper towels, water and the biggest one, time. I think that everyday we are so absorbed in what everyone else is doing that we forget to take a breath and truly live in the moment. Well today I am proud to say that I have not turned on the tv. Not while I was eating, playing with Jonas, or just because I was bored. I, like the rest of America, watch way too much tv. When I thought about why I was doing it, I couldn't give myself a good enough answer so I turned it off. Since doing that I have been able to get so much more done! I ran my errands, unloaded the dishwasher and even managed to sneak in a photo shoot for Jonas. I feel refreshed and more focused. A great way to start the weekend.

So I challenge all of you, when you get home and are tempted to turn the tv on to watch an episode of Friends for the 5th time, turn it off and go for a walk or call a friend. I promise you will feel better!

Here is a picture of Jonas that I took during our "Shoot"